Weekly Lay-Z-Spa maintenance is a lot easier than you might think and won't take up much of your time. Once you have set up your Lay-Z-Spa, given the water its initial shock treatment, balanced the rest of the chemicals, and heated it ready to use, the rest is very straightforward.

Check Chemical Levels
Often perceived as the most challenging part of Lay-Z-Spa weekly maintenance is making sure all chemicals are balanced so the water is safe to use. In reality, if you have chemical levels balanced in the first place, it is easy to maintain hot tub chemical levels. The likelihood is you'll probably only need to top up the chlorine.
We would recommend using test strips to test the water on the morning of the day you wish to use the hot tub. This will then allow you adequate time to make any necessary changes to the chemistry of your water. For more advice visit our Lay-Z-Spa Chemical Maintenance Guide.
Rinse Filters
As a basic guide, the more often you use your hot tub, the more often you should clean or replace your filters. If you are using your hot tub in the week, it is a good idea to take your filters out every other day and give them a thorough rinse. If you are having a week without using your hot tub, one check and rinse should suffice. Find out how to clean hot tub filters.
Periodic Cleaning
This part of Lay-Z-Spa maintenance is really easy and might not be necessary at all. How much or how little cleaning will depend a lot on how much you are using your hot tub and the weather but it should be considered as part of your ongoing Lay-Z-Spa maintenance.
If any debris is visible on the water surface, use a skimmer net to scoop it out as this will prolong the life of your filter and keep your chlorine levels balanced for longer. If there are any marks, stains or scuffs on your Lay-Z-Spa, get into the habit of wiping them off with a damp cloth.
Visual Checks
It might sound obvious, but it is a good idea to occasionally inspect your Lay-Z-Spa inside and out and it only needs to take a minute.
- Check your pipe connections are tight and secure
- Check your pump is on and that your current settings are operational
- Check that your top cover straps have not come loose
- Check that both your liner and lid are properly inflated