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If you need to complete the backwash process, please follow these steps:

  1. Backwash Process Instructions:

    1. Prepare the Pump Unit:

      • Attach the stopper caps to the inside of the liner.
      • Remove the Lay-Z-Spa pump unit from the liner by unscrewing the three couplings labeled ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’.
    2. Backwash the Pump:

      • Connect a hosepipe to the pump.
      • Flush water backwards through the pump by directing water into pipe ‘B’ and allowing it to flow out through pipe ‘C’.
    3. Reverse the Flow:

      • After a few minutes, reverse the direction of water flow.
      • Flush water into pipe ‘C’ and let it flow out through pipe ‘B’ for approximately 2 minutes.

View our video which takes you through these steps here:

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