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Is there an E11 error code displaying on your Lay-Z-Spa pump? This is a low salt alarm which features only on HydroJet models. This alarm is visible if there is low salt levels within the hot tub. This means the spa requires further salt to be added.

We recommend following these troubleshooting steps to get back in your Lay-Z-Spa in no time:

Step 1 - Add salt level required

  1. Unplug the pump from the electricity, wait 10 seconds then plug the spa back in.
  2. Reset the spa using the reset button.
  3. Once reset, turn on the Hydro Jet system.
  4. Gradually add and dissolve 0.5kg (500g) of Pure Spa Salt at a time.
  5. Start the Salt Chlorinator System.
  6. Allow spa pump to run on either the 5 hour or 8 hour setting. If the E11 error code is visible again, place a further 0.5kg (500g) of Pure Spa Salt in the spa.

What salt to use:

  • Pure Spa Salt is the only salt which is suitable for use in the spa. This can be purchased off either Amazon or eBay.
  • Ensure Pure Spa Salt dos not contain anti-caking agents.
  • Place 2kg of Pure Spa Salt on initial set up.
  • Pure spa salt is required alongside chlorine.

Step 2 - Follow instructions of salt chlorinator function

Instructions of salt chlorinator function:

To use the Salt Chlorinator System, please add Pure Spa Salt to the water using the following steps:

  1. Turn the spa on, using the reset procedure found below:
    • Turn Pump On.
    • Press test on the black PRCD on the power cable.
    • Turn plug off and remove from socket.
    • Plug back in and turn on.
    • Press Reset, Test then Reset on the PRCD.
    • Press on the On/Off button on the spa pump.
    • Press thermal reset button.
    • Press the heater button and the spa should now work.
  2. Turn on the HydroJet System to start the water circulation.
  3. Ensure the Salt Chlorinator System is turned off.
  4. Add gradually 2kg of Pure Spa Salt to the spa, please ensure the salt is completely dissolved and dispersed into the spa effectively.
  5. Once the salt has fully dissolved, switch on the Salt Chlorinator System and set the working duration for the system.
  6. This system can be set from 3 hours, 5 hours or 8 hours.
  7. We would advise to attach the spa cover during the Salt Chlorinator process.


Key points when using this function:

These are points which have to be considered and followed once using this function:

  1. Always use Pure Spa Salt, using only sodium chloride (NaCI) salt.
  2. This has to be 99.9% pure or water conditioning salt pellets.
  3. Pure Spa Salt has to be used in conjunction with chlorine.
    • The reason for the Pure Spa Salt is to reduce the amount of chlorine required in the spa but not alleviate this altogether.
    • Chlorine will also be required in the spa however at a reduced volume.
  4. Pure Spa Salts should last roughly 1 month within the spa water.
  5. After this period of time, the water and Pure Spa Salt will need to be changed and refilled. This will require another 2 kg of salt placed in the spa.
  6. If the spa is not being used, the Chlorinator Function will need to be run for 3 hours a day.
  7. If the spa is being used, the Chlorinator Function will need to be run between 5 and 8 hours a day.
  8. It is possible to switch to using the Chlorine Granules that are in the Chemical Starter Kit, or Chlorine Tablets so that you are able to use the standard test strips.

If the following steps provided above, do not resolve the issue please contact our Customer Care team below.

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