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Updating My Account Details

You can change the details on your account at any time in the customer login area. To make any changes please follow these steps:

Login to your account here or using the icon in the top right hand of your screen. Once you’ve logged in, you can make the following changes:

Password – Click on the ‘Account Information’ tab on the left-hand side of your screen. Here you will see a tick box for ‘Change Password.’ If you tick this, you will have the option to change your password.
Email Address – Click on the ‘Account Information’ tab on the left-hand side of your screen. Here you will see and update your email address.
Delivery/ Billing Address – To add a default delivery/ billing address to your account click the ‘Address Book’ tab on the left-hand side. Here you will be able to add relevant address details. Once you have saved these details click on the ‘Account Dashboard’ tab. At the bottom of this page you can select default shipping and billing address details that your account will always use.
Telephone Number – To add or update your telephone number click on the ‘Address Book’ tab on the left-hand side. Scroll down to the ‘Telephone’ field and add/ update.

Once you have made any changes to your account, remember to click ‘Save’

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