They may be perfect for relaxation or those social catch-ups in the fresh air, but research has proven that regular use of a hot tub can relieve some of the symptoms of arthritis which affects around 10 million people in the UK.
Arthritis can impact everything from your exercise routine to your social life. Acting as a hydrotherapy spa, the massage systems found on a hot tub can help you get back on top of the more challenging symptoms of arthritis. After all, there’s nothing better than waking up and stepping into that toasty water and letting it work its magic.
The Arthritis Foundation recommends the use of warm water hydrotherapy treatments to decrease pain and stiffness in your hands, spine, knees and hip joints. Sometimes known as aquatic therapy, hot tub Hydrotherapy utilises the properties of warm water in order to facilitate the improved movement of joints which are stiff, ache or are painfully swollen.
These areas are symptoms which are widely associated with both common types of arthritis: Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

You may also find that you can practice gentle exercise in your hot tub without the associated niggles. As the water takes your weight and the jets massage those sore points, many find that they’re able to move more freely in the tub than they can normally.
Our customer Helen suffers from Rheumatoid Arthritis and has experienced first-hand the positive affects her Lay-Z-Spa has had on her everyday life. Experiencing severe joint pain on several joint and very little mobility, Helen purchased her spa to help relax her muscles and ease any joint pain. She continues to use her hot tub daily, incorporating it into her daily routine.

From help with arthritis and stress to simply getting a great night’s sleep, there are a number of health benefits of owning a hot tub.