Make spending time in your Lay-Z-Spa your New Year's Resolution. Just a 10-minute soak a day can go a long way to improving your sleep, connecting with your family or recovering after some exercise. Whether your goal is to improve your diet, fitness or state of mind, using a Lay-Z-Spa in tandem with your goal can help you stick to your new routine!
For instance, if your new year’s resolution is to get fit by joining the gym or going on a run, why not reward yourself with a soak in your spa post-workout for staying committed to your new year’s resolution. A hot tub is more than just a way to stick to your new routine and goals, a hot tub can also provide a host of other health and social benefits.

Spend More Time With Your Family
The stresses and strains of modern life can make spending time with your loved ones more difficult than ever. A study by the British Heart Foundation found that more than a quarter of parents said they’re so busy that they often don’t spend any time whatsoever with their children. Even more concerning was almost half (48%) of parents polled said they felt guilty that they don’t spend enough time with their loved ones.
A hot tub can be a great way to get the family or your partner together in one place with no distractions. Having a chatter about your day and taking time to listen can play a vital role in maintaining and growing relationships.

Reconnect With Yourself
It can be easy to rush through life without stopping to notice much. By giving yourself just 10 minutes a day to pay more attention to the present moment – to your thoughts and feelings, and to the world around you – can improve your mental well-being. Reminding yourself to take notice of your thoughts, feelings, body sensations and the world around you is the first step to mindfulness. These six steps from the NHS are a great way to help reconnect with your thoughts for a healthier mind:
Notice the everyday. From tasting your everyday foods to noticing the bubbles of your hot tub pass over your body, it can help to interrupt the ‘autopilot’ of everyday life and give us a new perspective on life.
Keep it regular. Pick a regular time for your walk to work or your lunchtime and try to be aware of the feelings and sensations created around you.
Try something new. Going somewhere different or even sitting in a new place can help you see the world in a new way.
Watch your thoughts. As soon as people stop what they are doing, lots of thoughts and worries crowd in. Mindfulness isn’t about removing these thoughts but rather see them as mental events and keeping them under control.
Name thoughts and feelings. By giving your thoughts names it can help you to categorise thoughts and manage certain feelings.
Free yourself from the past and future. It can be helpful to take a mindful approach if you realise that for several minutes that you have been trapped reliving past problems or future events.

Get A Better Night’s Sleep
1 in 3 of us suffer from poor sleep due to stress, computers and work according to the NHS. Regular poor sleep puts you at risk of serious medical conditions including obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Most of us need around 8 hours of good quality sleep a night to function properly, but this can vary.
Thanks to the hot water of a Lay-Z-Spa it can help to boost your body temperature. This hot water can change your body’s core temperature so that you go to bed with a lower temperature, which helps signal to the body that it’s time to sleep.
These small changes to your lifestyle can make a huge difference to your life, and have the potential to make this your best year yet. Explore the Lay-Z-Spa range and give yourself a head start!