Introducing the Carrara Airjet™
The award-winning Lay-Z-Spa Carrara Airjet™ is a rigid foam ThermaCore™ hot tub and part of a new generation of ultra-energy-efficient Lay-Z-Spa hot tubs.

Lay-Z-Spa wins 3 awards in 2024
We're pleased to have received 3 awards in 2024 showcasing new technology, new products and a new generation of energy-efficient Lay-Z-Spa hot tubs

Which Lay-Z-Spa Massage System Is Best For Me?
Lay-Z-Spa has four different types of massage system to choose from. Which is the best one for you?

Top 10 Lay-Z-Spa Setups of 2023
Throughout the year we have been picking out our favourite Lay-Z-Spa setups.

Lay-Z-Spa proudly adds more achievements to the growing range of award winning inflatable hot tubs.

Why Lay-Z-Spa Hot Tubs Promote Mental Health
Hot tubs are the perfect place to relax and unwind so it is not surprising that a Lay-Z-Spa can be beneficial for mental health too. The simplicity of spending time in a hot tub, with the hot water...