Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is estimated to affect more than 100,000 people within the UK, including one of our customers Mark who told us his story. We spoke to him to find out more about the condition and see how his Lay-Z-Spa has helped him to improve his quality of life and manage his debilitating condition.
What is Multiple Sclerosis?
MS is a disease of the central nervous system and therefore affects the brain and/or spinal cord causing a wide range of potential symptoms, including problems with vision, arm or leg movement, sensation or balance. Ultimately the condition disrupts the ‘messages’ which are sent from and to the brain, resulting in them being distorted or unable to get through.
The cause of MS is not certain. Some believe it is down to genetics whilst others believe it is due to a lack of sunlight, as MS is more common in countries further from the equator.
Life for Mark before Purchasing His Lay-Z-Spa
Prior to buying a Lay-Z-Spa Paris, Mark travelled to a spa about a 20-minute drive from his home every weekend. The 40 minute round trip was made worse by the fact that when he arrived the spa could be full, resulting in a long wait before he could make use of the facility. In some cases, Mark couldn’t even make the trip to the spa as walking short distances was too painful. Given all these drawbacks coupled with a costly spa membership and fuel costs, Mark and his family wanted to find an alternative solution. After some consideration, they decided to cancel their membership and purchase a Lay-Z-Spa.

Mark's daily routine after purchasing a Lay-Z-Spa
Following the purchase of his Lay-Z-Spa, Mark and his family have been able to enjoy the benefits of owning a spa of their own. Instead of having to travel every week, Mark is now able to enjoy his spa every evening from the comfort of his home, without the worry of it being overcrowded!
Setting the hot tub temperature between 38°C and 40°C, Mark activates the AirJet Massage System which helps to relax his muscles and reduces the pain borne from his condition. Even a short session in his hot tub is enough to loosen and relax his muscles and enables him to have a much more restful sleep. In addition, the temperature of the spa increases the body’s temperature and signals to the body that it is time to sleep.
Although there is no known cure for MS, some sufferers like Mark use hydrotherapy as a way of improving their quality of life by reducing muscle pain as well as providing a variety of other benefits like improved circulation, reduced blood pressure and the release of endorphins which help to relieve pain and induce feelings of pleasure or euphoria.
Aside from relaxing and socialising, a Lay-Z-Spa offers a wide range of health & wellbeing benefits. Discover more in our Health & Wellbeing section and read further articles in our Lay-Z-Spa blog